For Workplaces
The content on this page is currently available in English only, a French version is under development.
Support for Canadian Organizations
The COVID-19 pandemic is taking an unprecedented toll on Canadian organizations and their workforces. FSEAP offers a range of programs and services to support employers and help them address the needs of their employees during COVID-19.
Employee and Family Assistance Program--designed to support employee mental health and well-being
Workplace Training
Workplace Consultations
Critical Incident and Trauma Response Services
Curated COVID-19 Workplace Resources
Resources for Employees & Family Members
FSEAP's services are accessible remotely from any location.

Return to the Workplace--Resilience Toolkits
FSEAP Updates & Insights
External COVID-19 Resources for Workplaces (General)
Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety
Conference Board of Canada
Institut National de psychiatrie légale – Philippe-Pinel
Gérer les impacts psychologiques de la COVID-19 en situation de travail (seulement en français)
Ottawa Public Health
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services (WSPS) – Dr. Bill Howatt and Louise Bradley (CEO Health & Safety Leadership Network)
Burnout: what leaders must know and what they can do to support employees
Leaders can help employees reduce their risk for mental fatigue
Tips & tools for mitigating mental health risk and promoting mental health
How leaders can support employees through different grief – loss – regret experiences
Exploring the link between perceived isolation and psychological safety
Leaders can ease mental health concerns and encourage healthy coping strategies
Leaders have the power to instil hope during the COVID crisis
External COVID-19 Resources by Sector
Public Services Health & Safety Association - Tools and resources for workers and employers (multiple sectors):
Center for Disease Control
Workplace Safety & Prevention Services
Financial Supports During COVID-19