Employee or Member Assistance
Log in to learn more about available services and the contact numbers specific to your organization, access online resources, or submit a service request.
​Or call 24/7/365 toll-free for immediate assistance*
*Your employer or union must have a contract with FSEAP in to order access service.
Customers and Business Inquiries
Call us toll-free
1-844-720-1212 (English/French)
If your organization is in need of Critical incident and Trauma Support Services, contact us 24/7/365 by calling 1-844-720-1212.
New Clinical Affiliates
National Head Office
Toll-free: 1-844-720-1212 (English/French)
TTY: 1-888-234-0414
Mailing Address
312 Parkdale Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K1Y 4X5
Opening Hours
Mon - Fri: 9 am to 5 pm Eastern
Corporate Regional Offices (Canada)
Atlantic (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island)
Office phone: 519-966-5010
Sales/Account Services: 1-844-720-1212
Central (Ontario, Quebec)
1770 Langlois Avenue
Windsor, Ontario
Office phone: 519-966-5010
Sales/Account Services: 1-844-720-1212
312 Parkdale Avenue
Ottawa, Ontario
K1Y 4X5
Office phone: 613-725-5676
Sales/Account Services: 1-877-725-5676
North (Northwest Territories, Nunavut)
​Sales/Account Services: 1-877-553-7327
Pacific (British Columbia/Yukon)
301 - 1638 East Broadway
Vancouver, British Columbia
V5N 1W1
Office phone: 604-732-6933
Sales/Account Services: 1-877-489-6933
Prairies (Alberta)
20 - 9912 106 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta
T5K 1C5
Office phone: 780-448-0847
Sales/Account Services: 1-888-280-9675
Prairies (Saskatchewan, Manitoba)
200 – 1440 Broadway Avenue
Regina, Saskatchewan
S4P 1E2
Office phone: 306-757-6675
Fax: 306-757-0133
Sales/Account Services: 1-866-757-6620